Best Orthopedic Hospital in Nashik

Breast Cancer Surgeon in Nashik

Breast Cancer

The most common cancer type among women is breast cancer. Unfortunately, both globally and in India, it is the most common cancer.

Breast cancer is identified as tumorigenic or malignant breast cells.

Breast cancer is currently widespread not just in developed nations but also in developing nations. The increased adoption of a western and urban lifestyle is linked by existing medical science to a rise in the rate of breast cancer. Seeking for the breast cancer treatment at proper period of stage is crucial. Get consult CNS Hospital for and seek for treatment by best breast surgeon in Nashik.

The key to beating breast cancer is early diagnosis and treatment.

At CNS Hospital you will meet most skilled and experienced breast cancer treatment in Nashik. CNS Hospital has the advanced infrastructure facility and team of qualified breast surgeon in Nashik.

CNS Hospital is reputed for alleviating the stress of the patient and their family and maintaining the patient’s interest at the forefront throughout the treatment process.

Symptoms of Breast Cancer:

Specific Symptoms

  • Unusual type of lump in the Breast
  • Swelling of lymph nodes in axilla
  • Thickening of Breast Tissue
  • Increase or decrease in size of one or both Breast
  • Swollen Red portions formed on top of the Breast
  • Nipple changing position, shape, becoming inverted
  • Discharge from Nipple
  • Persistent Pain in some part of the Breast or armpit



Non-Specific Symptoms:

  • Weight Loss
  • Bone Joint Pain
  • Jaundice
  • Neuro Problems

What Can Cause Breast Cancer?

  • Family History / Genetic
  • Early Menarche
  • Late Menopause
  • Higher age at first child birth
  • Shorter or No Breast-feeding
  • Higher level of certain hormones
  • Exogenous Hormones
  • Oral Contraceptive
  • Hormone Replacement Therapy
  • Overweight, Obesity
  • Physical inactivity
  • High fat diet
  • Iodine deficiency in diet
  • Exposure to Radiation

Diagnosis of Breast Cancer

 The initial stage in diagnosis is the doctor’s clinical breast examination. The doctor may suggest one or more of the following medical tests to confirm or rule out the possibility of breast cancer depending on the symptoms and evaluation made during the examination.

  • Ultrasound (Sonography)
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI Scan)
  • Positron Emission Tomography – Computed Tomography (PET-CT Scan)
  • Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA)
  • Biopsy (Core Biopsy / Vacuum-assisted Biopsy / Excisional Biopsy)

Types of Breast Cancer

  • Ductal Carcinoma in situ (DCIS)
  • Lobular Carcinoma in situ (LCIS)
  • Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC)
  • Invasive Lobular Carcinoma (ILC)
  • Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC)
  • Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC)
  • HER2 Positive Breast Cancer
  • HER2 Negative Breast Cancer
  • Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC)
  • Paget’s Diseases of Breast or Nipples
  • Phyllodes Tumors of Breast
  • Angiosarcoma

Breast Cancer Stages

The development and spreading of the tumor are indicated by the breast cancer staging. It describes the results that can be expected following treatment. The TNM System is used by doctors to identify the stage of breast cancer. Tumor, Nodes, metastasized is referred to as TNM.

As per TNM system, Breast Cancer has following stages:

Stage 0: At this point, the cancer has only spread to the breast tissue’s ducts and has not yet affected any nearby tissues. This type of cancer is noninvasive.

Stage 1A: Cancer tumors are presently invasive and moderate, but they have not yet affected the lymph nodes.

Stage 1B: At this point, the tumor has metastasized to lymph nodes that are less than 2 mm in size and larger than 0.2 mm. Either there is no apparent breast tumor at this time, or it is smaller than 20 mm.

Stage 2A: One of the following situations applicable at this time:


Although the breast tumor is not visible, it has migrated to one to three axillary lymph nodes. No distant parts of the body have been affected by the tumor. or

The cancerous tumor has reached the axillary lymph nodes and measures 20 mm or less. or

The tumor has not migrated to the axillary lymph nodes and is >20 mm but 50 mm in size.

Stage 2B: One of the following cases applies at this time:

The tumor has migrated to one to three axillary lymph nodes and is >20 mm 50 mm in size. or

Though the tumor is larger than 50 mm, it has not yet reached the axillary lymph nodes.

Stage 3A: At this stage, cancer of any size has migrated to the internal mammary lymph nodes or anywhere between 4 and 9 axillary lymph nodes. It is not currently affecting other body components. or

If a tumor has reached 1 to 3 axillary lymph nodes and is greater than 50 mm.

Stage 3B: One of the following prerequisites is met at this point:

the chest wall has been affected by the tumor,

Breast swelling or ulceration are symptoms of a tumor.

The diagnosis of the tumor is inflammatory breast cancer.

A tumor in stage 3C has progressed to at least 10 lymph nodes.

Stage 4: Cancer has now spread to further bodily organs. Metastatic cancer is another name for this stage.



Breast Cancer Treatment

Breast cancer treatment relies on three main factors of the tumor, nodes, and metastasis. This is often referred to as TNM breast cancer staging.

A combination of treatments, including the following, may be used to treat breast cancer according on TNM Staging inferences:

  • Surgery
  • Radiation Therapy
  • Chemotherapy
  • Hormonal Therapy
  • Targeted Therapy
  • Psychological Support
  • Post Treatment Support

Breast Cancer Surgery

  • Modified Radical Mastectomy
  • Breast Conserving Surgery
  • Lumpectomy
  • Quadrantectomy
  • Oncoplastic Surgery
  • Breast Reconstruction

If you are also suffering from breast cancer symptoms then CNS Hospital is one stop solution for all your problems. CNS Hospital has the team of qualified team of breast cancer surgeon in Nashik.

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